
Being published doesn’t make you a writer, writing makes you a writer! We’ve been writing every since we could hold a pencil and there are tons of reasons for doing it! There are also a million writing genres- fiction, nonfiction, blogging, historical, creative, work memos, sci fi, children’s stories, reviews…the list goes on and on!

The best part is you don’t need a reader to be a writer. Sometimes you might just want to write for yourself. Challenge yourself to hone your writing skills and start calling yourself a writer.

Reported Benefits:

  • Learn to communicate with clarity
  • Improve your verbal and writing skills
  • Great way to exercise your mind
  • Gain more awareness
  • Create happiness through writing and reduce stress
  • A tool for thinking, self expression, and encouraging creativity


30 Days of Activities

Improve Your Skills

Skills and Techniques

Think Creatively

Writing Prompts